Items where Author is "Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi"
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Kamaruzzaman, Kazzman and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Ab Hamid, Ahmad Rauyani (2024) Issues and challenges in preserving Qurʾānic memorisation: a case study on Taḥfīẓ Al-Qurʾān Certificate Programme (TACP) JAKIM–IIUM students. Jurnal Darul Quran (28). pp. 178-200. ISSN 2229-9130 E-ISSN 3030-6027
Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin and Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Roslan, Muhammad Hanis and Hassan, Haslina and Abu Bakar, Radhwa (2024) Developing Arabiyatuna Board Game for Engaging Students’ Knowledge Towards the Arabic Language & Culture. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 8. pp. 1325-1330. ISSN 2454-6186
Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Engku Mohamed Nor, Engku Amir Hamzah and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Md Ghalib, Mohd Feham (2023) فاعلية توظيف تقنية الواقع الافتراضي (Virtual Reality) في تعلّم اللغة العربية واللغات الأجنبية الأخرى لدى الناطقين بغيرها: مراجعة للدراسات السابقة = The effectiveness of employing virtual reality (VR) technology in learning the Arabic language and other foreign languages among non-native speakers: a review of previous studies. International Journal on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technology, 11 (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 2289-4020 E-ISSN N/A
Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Khalib, Khairul Akbar and Mohd Nor Hazlee, Noorhazleena and Mat Isa, Mohd Farhan (2021) مساهمة علم اللغة الجنائي في قبض على المجرمين: دراسة استکشافية = Contribution of forensic linguistics in arresting criminal: an exploratory study. المجلة العربية للآداب والدراسات الإنسانية, 5 (20). pp. 149-160. ISSN 2537-0421 E-ISSN 2537-043X
Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin and Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi (2020) Keberkesanan modul pengajaran Durus Al Lughah Al-'Arabiyyah Li Ghayri Al-Natiqina Biha (pelajaran-pelajaran Bahasa Arab untuk bukan penutur arab) terhadap pelajar pemula bahasa arab kolej UNITI Kota Bharu = The effectiveness of the Durus Al Lughah Al-'Arabiyyah Li Ghayri Al-Natiqina Biha teaching module (arabic language lessons for non-Arabic speakers) to the Arabic language students in Kota Bharu UNITI College. e-Jurnal Bahasa dan Linguistik, 3 (1). pp. 79-92. E-ISSN 2682-8987
Mat Isa, Mohd Farhan and Abdul Wahab, Amir Hamzah and Abdullah, Nur Azam and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi (2019) فعالية استخدام القصص المصورة في تكوين الجمل المفيدة لدى الطلبة في الفصل الرابع عدن الثانوي في المدرسة الثانويّة الدّينيّة بولاية كوالالمبور الاتّحاديّة = Effectiveness of using storyboards in forming useful sentences for form 4 students SMA MAIWP. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan & Inovasi, 6 (2). pp. 93-101. E-ISSN 2289-7909
Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Mat Isa, Mohd Farhan and Khalib, Khairul Akbar and Noor Hazlee, Nor Hazleena (2019) مدى فهم الطلبة للأحكام النحوية = The extent of Arabic grammar understanding. Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship, 5 (15). pp. 109-117. E-ISSN 2462-1714
Mustapai, Mohd Zulhisyam and Mat Zain, Rohaizaf Maizani and Mat Zain, Zairul and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Naseruddin, Mohd Syamil Nazmi and Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Ab Jabbar, Muhammad Bahari and Ab Rahman, Mohd Azam and Sahid, Mohamad Khaidir and Roslan, Muhammad Hanis and Mohamed, Ahmad Syahmi and Wan Ibrahim, Wan Mohamed Zuki and Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin and Marosadi, Abdul Hadi (2024) التطبيق النحوي الميسر. Al-Tatbiq Al-Nahwi Al-Muyassar, 1 (1). Quranic Language Department, IIUM, Malaysia. ISBN 9786299847946
Mohd Ali, Noor Saadiah and Saleh, Muhammad Ridhwan and Jatin, Norhazwanie and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi, eds. (2023) E-proceeding of the inaugural Conference on Future & Sustainable Education 2022 (CFSE 2022). Centre for Foundation Studies, IIUM, Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia.
Mustapai, Mohd Zulhisyam and Ab Jabbar, Muhammad Bahari and Idris, Nor Ashikin and Md Azmi, Nur Afiqah and Abd Latif, Nadhirah and Mustafa, Wan Ahmad Hamdan and Elias, Siti Fatimah Azzahra and Mohd Zaki, Mohd Zul Amin and Mohamad Tawpik, Nurul Husna and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi (2023) LQM0813/LQAF0813 :علمني لغة القرآن: المستوى الأول. CFS IIUM, Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia. ISBN 978-629-98479-0-8
Mohd Ali, Noor Saadiah and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Abu Hassan, Fatin Zahida, eds. (2021) E- Proceeding CFS IIUM Mini Conference 2021. Centre of Foundation Studies, International Islamic University Malaysia, Gambang, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-26217-2-0
Proceeding Paper
Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Md Ghalib, Mohd. Feham and Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi (2024) Learn Arabic Grammar Via The Arabic-VR Application. In: PRE-UNIVERSITY MATRICULATION INNOVATION COMPETITION (PIITRAM 2024), 20 - 24 FEBRUARY 2024, USIM.
Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Md Ghalib, Mohd Feham and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Md Noor, Mohamad Lukman Al-Hakim and Abdul Gani, Muhamad Zamri and Engku Mohamed Nor, Engku Amir Hamzah (2024) "Arabic-VR" تطوير تقنية الواقع الافتراضي لتعلم النحو العربي: تحليل احتياجات الطلبة لتطبيق. In: Arabic Language International Conference (ALIC 2024), 13th - 14th February 2024, Online Conference.
Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Roslan, Muhammad Hanis and Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi (2022) Arabiyatuna board game. In: HITeL Teaching & Learning Innovation Competition (Innovators2022), 1st January - 30th June 2022, Virtual.
Ahmad Rosdi, Muhamad 'Adli and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Mohamad Tawpik, Nurul Husna and Rashid, Rabiatul Fatimah Azzahra (2022) Constructing sentence with Al Jumal’s Cube. In: Innovation in Teaching & Learning Competition, 30 June 2022, Virtual.
Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin and Roslan, Muhammad Hanis and Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan (2022) Arabiyatuna Board Game. In: Creations de UiTM: International Mega Innovation Carnival 2022, 8 April 2022, Pusat Asasi, UiTM Kampus Dengkil, Selangor. (Unpublished)
Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin and Roslan, Muhammad Hanis and Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan (2022) Arabiyatuna Board Game. In: Creations de UiTM: International Mega Innovation Carnival 2022, 24th March - 8th April 2022, Centre of Foundation Studies, UiTM Dengkil Campus, Selangor.
Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin and Roslan, Muhammad Hanis (2022) Arabiyatuna board game. In: The 2nd Inter Pre-University Matriculation Competition 2022, 8 March 2022, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM). (Unpublished)
Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Engku Mohamaed Nor, Engku Amir Hamzah and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi (2021) eZ-BAYAN: an Interactive tools to learn Science of al-Bayan (Arabic Rhetoric). In: Negeri Sembilan International Exposition 2021 (NSIEx 2021), 4 October 2021, UiTM, Negeri Sembilan (Webinar).
Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin (2021) قبول المتعلّمين للتّلعيب في تعلّم اللّغة العربية. In: CFS MINI CONFERENCE E-PROCEEDINGS 2021, 29 MARCH 2021, CFS IIUM GAMBANG CAMPUS. (Unpublished)
Awang Ali, Mohammad Amnan and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Hussin, Muhammad Hafizuddin and Aminordin, Nor Amira and Engku Mohamed Nor, Engku Amir Hamzah (2020) eZ-Bayan: an interactive website to learn science of al-Bayan. In: International Conference on Islamic Education 2020 ( WEBINAR CIED 2020 ) " Continuity of Islamic Education In the Ir 4.0 Society", 21 - 22 December 2020, UKM Bangi (WEBINAR).
Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Abd Hamid, Mohd Azrul Azlen and Khalib, Khairul Akbar and Mohd Nor Hazlee, Noorhazleena (2019) تعليم اللغة العربية للمرشدين السياحيين الناطقين بغيرها في ماليزيا: دراسة تحليلية. In: 3rd International Language and Tourism Conference 2019 (ILTC 2019), 18 - 19 Oct 2019, Pagoh, Johor.
Khalib, Khairul Akbar and Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Mohd Nor Hazlee, Noorhazleena (2018) Kekangan belajar Bahasa Arab menggunakan bahasa pengantar Bahasa Arab. In: 3rd National Pre-University Seminar 2018 (3rd NPreUS 2018), 8th November 2018, Bandar Seri Putra, Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Mohd Nor Hazlee, Noorhazleena and Khalib, Khairul Akbar (2018) Pemahaman Al-Hikam Wa Amthal dalam kalangan pelajar Melayu pra-universiti. In: 5th International Conference on Research In Islamic Education and Arabic Language 2018 (ICRIALE 2018), 24th-26th January 2018, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.
Abdul Rahim, Abdul Hadi and Mohd Sohime, Nor Afandi and Abdul Rahim Merican, Rooshida Mericn (2016) Language applied in tourist hotspot in Malaysia: issues and challenges. In: International Language and Tourism Conference 2016 (ILTC 2016), 21st-22nd Jan. 2016, Kuala Lumpur.